How Rug Restoration Can Help A Silk Rug

If you're reading this, you're definitely a silk rug owner, so you understand how unique and attractive these rugs can be. They are used in both homes and businesses nowadays, and they are still popular like they have been for thousands of years.
But you also know that silk rug ownership is not all good times; there are times when the rug will get dirty, and when this happens the situation needs to be addressed immediately. Silk rugs can also get worn down with the passage of time, and if your rug is beginning to show undeniable signs of wear and tear, don't think that it's about to reach an untimely end.
All you need to do is get in touch with our rug restoration experts. For years, we have been sought by those who need silk rug and carpet cleaning in NYC, but these days our rug restoration services are just as popular. This is because individuals often don't want to get rid of the rugs they get attached to, and when you get rug restoration services from us, you’ll remark that your rug looks as good as it did when you first purchased it.


When Professional Rug Recoloring Is Sought

Get rug recoloring from our team when you notice that your rug is fading. We’ll stop the fading process in its tracks and bring vibrancy back to your beloved silk rug. Our silk rug recoloring experts have been doing this work for years, so they are meticulous and detailed. When you hire them, you'll never have to worry about rug dye running or the rug’s unique pattern being messed up.

Our Rug Reweaving Experts Will Help You

You won't find a better rug reweaving team out there. Our experts will help you when your rug starts to unravel. When you notice unraveling, you should get help immediately. The longer a rug is left to unravel, the harder it'll be to get it back together. Once we perform reweaving, your rug will be sound and visually attractive. This service is not only sought by silk rug owners; a lot of exotic rug owners and those who own hand-woven rugs can also benefit from getting reweaving often.

This Is How Silk Rug Binding Will Go

We’ll be there for you when you need rug binding. We can bind silk rugs with heavy-duty tape or a special sewing machine. When your silk rugs have been bound, they will not only be visually attractive but sturdy as well. Binding is a rug restoration service that we can deliver quickly and for an affordable price.

What Happens To A Rug During Fringing?

Rug fringing is a service that we will deliver quickly. When you notice that your rug’s fringe is deteriorating, you'll want to get a handle on this immediately. If the fringe deteriorates, then it’s likely the rest of the rug will follow. We’ll stop the degradation so your rug is sound. Once you get fringing, it’s likely you won’t need this again.